Joseph L. Boain, D.D.S.
St. Louis University School of Dentistry Graduate
Formerly on staff at St. Louis University
Department of Orthodontics
Member of:
American Dental Association
Missouri Dental Association
Greater St. Louis Dental Society
American Association of Functional
American Orthodontic Society
Missouri Dental Insurance Services
Former member of Florissant Rotary
Florissant Valley Chamber of Commerce
American Analgesic Society
North County Association
St. Louis University Dental Alumni
Boone Trail Corvette Club Spina
Bifida charity
Original Corvette Club of St. Louis
Elks Club
Chairman for the Greater St. Louis Dental
Society delegation to Missour Dental
Association House of Delegates
Chairman for Rules and Order to the
Missouri Dental Association
Supporter of:
Backstoppers, Ronald McDonald House
Local Luminary Chairman, Chaminade and
Visitation Father's Club, and St. James Boys
Honors and Awards:
Delta Dental Award for Dedicated Service
Rotary Club Board of Directors
North County Inc. Tribute to Community
Leadership Award
Missouri Dental Insurance Service Award
For Service to the Board
Ideal Patient Profile
- Is health conscious - this patient wants the highest quality in health care for themselves as well as their family.
- Has a willingness to learn - He or she understands that the dental field is continuously finding new and better ways to treat dental disease and is willing to listen as we pass this education on to them.
- Has respect and integrity - for themselves as well as others.
- Has a desire for an open doctor/patient relationship - He or she is desirous of healthy communication between themselves and the doctor.
- Loyalty - This patient understands the importance of the continuation of care with a health professional.
- Understands aesthetic values - knows the importance of a healthy, aesthetically pleasing smile.
- Values the Doctor's time as well as their own - This patient makes and keeps appointments and is appreciative that the Doctor remains on time.
- Is referred by a friend or co-worker - Our practice only accepts new patients that are referred by our current patients. This patient will, in turn, refer others to us also.
1001 Dunn Road - Florissant, MO 63031 - Tel: 314-921-3527 - Fax: 314-921-7855 - E-mail: jboaindds@aol.com